Sunday, September 8, 2013

Two Ways To Get (And Stay) Motivated

Writers Unite! held its first meeting yesterday and what a wonderful experience. We had a lively conversation about motivation, which I needed pretty badly. The ideas and tricks others use to get and stay motivated fascinated me. I can’t wait to apply them to my own writing.

Up until yesterday my only sources of motivation came from my need to write, the joy I get from writing, and a hand written note over my desk that reads, “Wouldn’t you rather be writing? I thought so, so Write On!”  Well, those worked, some of the time.

However, there were a couple ideas that came up yesterday that sound very worth while. The first being the Box-O-Things. The idea behind that is to keep a box near your writing space that holds random things. When inspirations dissipates, your stuck on a scene, the story goes flat or motivation is just not there, reach into the Box-O-Things and pull out an item. Hopefully, your writer mind will click into gear and said random item will inspire the words into being. I’ll be putting together my Box-O-Things this morning.

Another wonderful idea was the Great and the Ugly (as I’ve come to call it.) With this one when things start to fizzle or never sparked, pick up (or watch) an author who made the journey look so easy, because if they can do it, you can do it. Then pick up or watch an author whose books are so bad, so full of mistakes and plot holes and just plan poor writing, because if they can get published then you can too and you can do it better.

I left the meeting with the itch and can’t wait to dive in today. You can say I’m highly motivated and inspired! Which I learned go hand in hand.

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